So today was incredibly difficult as far as finding nests went
It was so windy that with the exception of one that still had the faint outline of a body pit visible, large parts of the crawls including the body pits were covered by the time we got to them
You could see where the turtle exited the water in the hard packed wet sand and then nothing.
Monday’s teams reported 9 of these crawls. We found 4 nests just by following the trajectory of the path that it looked like the momma took and Buddy’s turtle senses
So we ended with 4 nest #16-19. I was trying hard for number 20 🤓
Activity breakdown
Nest 16 in zone 3 Nest 17 in zone 2 Nest 18 and 19 in zone 5 Little Hunting 2 NNC in zone 2 2 NNC in zone 4 1 NNC in zone 5 Little Hunting